Monday, August 30, 2010
A Word...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Happy Sunday
I'll miss another season of Biggest Loser if I stay on 2nd shift. I'm so tired of this shift. I love and appreicate the fact that I have a job and that I've been able to be a supervisor for the past 5 months don't get me wrong. However, if Charlie gets the new job in Decatur that God's blessed his path with ...then I'm either quitting or going down to part time or going to step back down to an agent and keep 40 hours and work day shift. 9-5:30 was a good's what I had when I started back last year.
Anywhoo..I guess I should get started. My baby brother and mom might be coming today..and if so I'll have new pics up on Facebook!
I love you all!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tomorrow will be the deciding factor. That will be the day..when we find out something. I hope it's a lot more money..that is something that they will be offering him tomorrow. I'm not saying I want to be rich or that it's all about the money..however, right now that would allow me to quit, or go to part time where i'm at and focus primarily on my health.
I did good the past two days I've taken the dogs for a walk. And, I knew as soon as we got them back that I would be more active.
The weight loss part is slow in coming but that's fine for me. I drink water all day long and only 1 pop a day for lunch, and it's diet and caffeine free.
The doctor said that diet soda is fine in moderation just like everything else. I've heard people say that they don't drink it because their doctor said there's no long term effects on it. Well, my mom's boss said that's not true because her grandma used sweet and low and lived to 92!
It's just like everything else, just because you stop using sweetner doesn't mean you won't still get cancer from anything else you do--like smoke!
That's what cracks me up is the person who said, well, i'm no longer using them due to long term effects!!! You SMOKE!!! And, we all know the long term or should I say short term effects of that one!
Anyway, I will update when I find out what happens tomorrow with the new job.
Pray for us, as we're going through such a big and sudden change! Daylight is coming!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Autumn Miracles Are Falling
Changing...Time for change.
Leaves, bodies, fresh air...crisp filling my lungs.
God has blessed us. Why don't I realize by now, that He never fails me?
We have a beautiful brand new home. And, we will be able to have our kids!!! I am most ecstatic, and we will even get to live there rent free for up to a week or more.
The man who owns the home currently goes to church. I told him I didn't know if it meant much to him but that we were church going people.
He said never to think that and never to deny that we are, that they are too. I told him the only thing that came before my payments (bills) was my tithe. He said that we were special people, because not many people did that anymore.
I am blessed beyond measure.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Slapped Me
Just--come right out and knocked me out?!
I'm ALWAYS complaining about everything that is bad in my life!!
I guess if my life wasn't sound bound and determined to be ran by my emotions, then I wouldn't have to worry about it now would I?
I found this good thing to remember today online:
Friday, August 20, 2010
Psalm 28:7
The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
God's Best
God ... Is it YOUR Idea or Mine???Our daughter was attempting to make some major life decisions a few years ago. She is a special needs young woman who just needs some extra help in order to move forward. One of her dreams is to explore the life of a nun. She was 19 at the time, and was already in contact with a couple of monasteries.
But just because Amanda felt she was ready to move forward, didn't mean God thought it was a good idea, especially when it wasn't in His timing. Amanda didn't understand why things didn't fall into place at the time, but today she's working on mastering independent living skills and is getting job training skills. She still wants to pursue a life as a nun someday, but now she realizes God can use her much more effectively if she gains all the knowledge and skills she possibly can before she takes the next step.
When I decided to I really wondered if I was doing what God wanted me to do, when He wanted me to do it. And it wasn't until I stepped out in faith, that events and circumstances lined up with God's timing. It works for me and I know it can work for you.
How Do I Get God's Best?
The Word says to seek God first,and all the rest of the stuff will be added. That means to seek God, not seek the stuff. If your focus is on finding ways to be a blessing to other people, all the other stuff will find you.
Only move forward with your plan if you've asked God FIRST. Some people plan a whole bunch of stuff and expect God to bless it, when God expects you to pray first and then plan. If you're doing what God tells you to do, then His favor and anointing is on it. It has to work because it's God.
Don't get discouraged and give up. Just because something doesn't work, doesn't mean God isn't in it. He may have a better option, a better deal, or better arrangements. His timing means exactly that, and if you're trusting Him, then there is no reason to be discouraged. Is it hard to trust when you can't see it? Yup. Is it worth it? Yup.
4 Ways
4 Ways to Use Healing Scripture in Your Life
PRAY FIRST about everything. Prayer isn't something you can bypass and expect God to work in your life. God wants and needs to hear from you. He has lots of great stuff planned for you, but He isn't going to simply bestow them on you without at least some effort on your part to have a relationship with Him on an ongoing basis. To say that "you've tried everything else so now all you can do is pray" is an insult to God. It's like saying that God is your last resort. Oh yeah, we want the help, and we want all the blessings we can get, but we'd like it on our own terms and in our own timing. So if there is any way we can make it happen on our own...
Pray using a healing scripture. Take a look at the list below to help you. When you stand on God's word and pray expectantly, waiting for God's promise to work for you, God will honor your request, doing whatever He thinks is truly best for you.
Accept that God is God. That means He knows a lot more about what's going on than you do. There can't be much of a relationship if you don't trust God with your problem. Our inclination when we pray is to give God a short amount of time to do something and if we don't see something happening, we take the problem right back and start trying to make things happen on our own again. It isn't until we let go completely that God will work things out for our good, using whatever methods He chooses.
Pray your healing scripture out loud. Whenever you feel fear creeping in, negative thoughts trying to take over, or life trying to overwhelm you, use your scripture as a sword to slice through all the noise. Pray those scriptures out loud every day over your situation. Just remember, when you're praying for positive, life giving things to happen, there is no room for negative stuff to get in the way.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
MRI Results
I'm hoping that I get some relief soon ...especially after going and seeing this back specialist...because I feel crippled. I feel like I can hardly stand and I'm in excrutiating pain.
Until then..praise God for everything always in my life!
He's teaching me something even now!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Notice that Jesus didn't get offended and say, "Boy, you've got a lot of nerve asking Me to do it right now. You sure are bold, believing that I can speak something and cause it to happen." No, it was just the opposite. Jesus looked at him and said, "I have not seen this much faith in all of Israel. You can go home. Your friend is totally whole." That's what happens when we have the boldness to say, "God, I'm asking You, do it for me today."
A lot of people live with a "future" faith. They believe that one day something great is going to happen, but it's always off in the future. If you could just learn to switch back over into a "now" faith like this man and say, "God, I'm asking You to send healing. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Send healing now. Send favor now. Send breakthroughs now." When you release that "now" faith, you're going to see a "now" God show up and do amazing things in your life. Now is the time for God's favor. Now is the time for blessing. Now is the time for you to receive all that He has in store for you!
How To Stay In Faith!
That Cyst
Thank you dear Jesus for giving me the good report from the Lord that overrides all doctors reports from my MRI.
WE love you, and we praise your Holy name!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Praise God!
I'm sorry if it wasn't enough.
But, God all I need is you.
All of you is enough!
Thank you for making me well!
Thank you for examing me--my heart and my physical capacity...
We love you...we need you...we have you in our life!
Friday, August 6, 2010
God was with me, my husband knelt down beside me and prayed while he held my hand.
I panicked, and couldn't breathe, so they had to put me in feet first....
Felt much better. God was with me. Have been having chest pains now..lately...please pray for me!
Much Love,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Days Theme Song-Coming Soon!
I was in a tunnel
And couldn't see the light
And whenever I'd look up
I couldn't see the sky
Sometimes when I'm standin'
It seems like I done walked for miles
And my heart could be cryin'
Dead in the middle of a smile
But then I climbed the hills
And saw the mountains
I hollered help 'cause I was lost
Then I felt the strong wind
Heard a small voice sayin'
The storm is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(Somewhere beyond the clouds)
I feel Heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free, whoa
Now in the midst of my battle
All hope was gone
Downtown in a rushed crowd
And felt all alone
And every now and then
I felt like I would lose my mind
I've been racin' for years
And still no finish line, oh
But then I climbed the hills
And saw the mountains (Mountains)
I hollered help 'cause I was lost
Then I felt the strong wind
And then a small voice sayin'
The storm is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(Somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel Heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free
Somehow my beginning stepped right in (Right in)
Then faith became my friend (My friend)
And now I can depend
On the voices of the wind
When it's sayin' (Sayin')
The storm is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(Somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel Heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Won't you come and set me free
Won't you set me free
The storm is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(Somewhere beyond the clouds)
I can feel Heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Won't you come and set me free
Happy Birthday Mom! (47)


Doubting Thomas
That's just what happened to Thomas in John 20. When Jesus rose from the dead and was in the midst of all those believers, He went looking for Thomas first—the doubter. He said, "Thomas, take a look at My nail-scarred hands." See, Jesus wasn't condemning Thomas; He was proving Himself to him. He was restoring and strengthening Thomas.
Today, no matter what you may be facing, no matter what disappointment you may be struggling with, know that God is still there. He does not condemn you, but He is reaching out His hand of strength and restoration. His love goes way beyond our doubts. Can you open your heart and receive that love today? Why don't you let Him restore your faith and hope? Let Him restore your peace. Let Him refresh the dry and broken place and pour out His abundant blessing on every area of your life.
(something to remember by Joel Osteen)