1. Realize you're not the only one
-When you allow individuality to isolate you it's not good!
Hannah in 1st Samuel Chapter 1-
for years she's desired one thing for the lord
for years she's went to the lord for one thing a baby
she's barren she shows all the signs of the person that's at self destruction
while everyone else in the room is filled with joy, she weeps
she sat in sorrow
she is adored by her husband
in spite of his kindness he's not enough for her
longing and eating at her in the soul
everyhwere she looks everything she sees reminds her she's childless
when everywhere you look reminds me of something that you can't have
when it comes to bearing the burdens you've beared your not the only one whos went through them
other have faced impossible problems and have felt like their lives have been ruined
ALL things are possible through them that believe!
He's healed others, he'll heal you, he's calmed storms and moved mountains, he'll do that for you.
Don't let the devil tell you that you're the only one. you have not been forsaken, everything is going to be alright !
2. whos shoulder are you crying on?
-turn to god for supernatural issues turn to a supernatural god!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Releasing Your Faith Pt 2
It's frustrating when your in a storm
and you feel like Jesus is asleep!
worrying, running to everyone we know in advice
most people don't know what to do with their own,
so try running to the throne not the phone!
let that faith keep you calm in the storm!
have joy when you don't have anything to be joyful about!
peace-joy: a calm delight (don't have to be over joyful all of
the time)
When we step out in faith, there's a beginning and an end
if we don't make a good decision while I wait, many people
turn back and never get to the end of their dreams. Believe God
and cast your care upon Him. Your going to get to the end,
and it will be beautiful! Gal 6:9!!
John 14:27-peace i leave with you--not as the World gives, do not
let your hearts be troubled or afraid don't allow your selves
to be adgitated or disturbed, fearful, intimidated, cowardly
Thank God that you have peace!
worry just tortures you! we have peace and power, therefore
I am NOT going to live in worry!
The reasons we still worry:
#1-We actually think WE can still solve our problem! God's not
going to let us do it because HE wants us to lean on Him.
need to stop:
-trying to change ppl; only God can get into
someone and change the heart; do whatever you want to do
because i'm staying peaceful. you can make yourself sick w/ worry;
stomach problems, headache, irritable, stress, cancer is connected,
loss of sleep, loss of focus, ulcers. devil will give you reasons
to worry once you decide your not going to anymore. worry
defined: to torment oneself w/ disturbing thoughts.
Matthew 6
-practicality of how not to worry..do what God tells you to do
but stay away from what He doesn't . The next time you worry
tell yourself "STOP IT! Been there, done that--God I cast it
on you, I give it to you!" Go do something else that will be
joyful, healthy and peaceful.
and you feel like Jesus is asleep!
worrying, running to everyone we know in advice
most people don't know what to do with their own,
so try running to the throne not the phone!
let that faith keep you calm in the storm!
have joy when you don't have anything to be joyful about!
peace-joy: a calm delight (don't have to be over joyful all of
the time)
When we step out in faith, there's a beginning and an end
if we don't make a good decision while I wait, many people
turn back and never get to the end of their dreams. Believe God
and cast your care upon Him. Your going to get to the end,
and it will be beautiful! Gal 6:9!!
John 14:27-peace i leave with you--not as the World gives, do not
let your hearts be troubled or afraid don't allow your selves
to be adgitated or disturbed, fearful, intimidated, cowardly
Thank God that you have peace!
worry just tortures you! we have peace and power, therefore
I am NOT going to live in worry!
The reasons we still worry:
#1-We actually think WE can still solve our problem! God's not
going to let us do it because HE wants us to lean on Him.
need to stop:
-trying to change ppl; only God can get into
someone and change the heart; do whatever you want to do
because i'm staying peaceful. you can make yourself sick w/ worry;
stomach problems, headache, irritable, stress, cancer is connected,
loss of sleep, loss of focus, ulcers. devil will give you reasons
to worry once you decide your not going to anymore. worry
defined: to torment oneself w/ disturbing thoughts.
Matthew 6
-practicality of how not to worry..do what God tells you to do
but stay away from what He doesn't . The next time you worry
tell yourself "STOP IT! Been there, done that--God I cast it
on you, I give it to you!" Go do something else that will be
joyful, healthy and peaceful.
Release Your Faith Pt 1-Joyce Meyer
Release Your Faith
Words Are Powerful When You Have Faith
Principles of Faith
Keep Praying, Saying, and Doing-& you WILL have a breakthrough!
Confessing the Word of God outloud is powerful
Don't keep talking to everyone about your problems
Don't think that when your believing God for something, it
won't just fall out of the sky or show up in the mailbox.
Walking w/ God means sometimes you have to take a step of faith
or wait on Him for wisdom.
It doesn't move or impress God when you are not believing or
People who did things by faith: Able-Noah-Abraham-Joseph
Everything around looks possible, know still that God put the
dream that's inside you, the dream that won't die there for a
reason, because He will give it to you!
Abraham and Sarah-Sarah was past the child bearing age, Abraham
was as good as dead...when they conceived and gave birth to a
child. It was conceived by faith and promise.
If you don't give up, your going to give birth to something too!
Some of you are pregnant with a dream and a vision from God, you're
pregnant with Hope.
You've got some stuff rolling around on the inside of you, it looks like
nothing is moving and nothing is happening.
All your friends and family are against you, but let me tell you
something GOD IS for you!
And he's just looking for someone who won't give up and who
dare to believe in Him!
People want what you've got but they don't want to be where
you were.
Moses left Pharoh's house-a place of comfort-by faith. He chose
a life with less in the natural but more in the spirit!
Just like a missionary may be somewhere it's dark, gloomy, and
not much light ....If you are somehwere where you feel like
your being unappreciative, but your there because you believe God wants
you there..maybe other people don't know your there, but
God knows your there.
He sees your faith and He hears your words and He sees every
act of obedience.
Paul-Galations 1, 2, 3: Simple, child-like faith
We can understand things with our heart, that we can't with our
Hebrews 11:3-By faith we can understand all kinds of stuff that
our head can't understand. Then we don't have to worry, we may
not know what God's doing, but we know it will end well.
God's got a timetable and He doesn't discuss it with me, all I know
whatever the results are is up to Him!
You are more than conquerors through Christ who loves you.
People need to stop saying, well, God I'm going to give this
one more week.
I'm in however long it takes, and even if it doesn't happen
I'm still all in! Healed, justified by faith.
When you have nothing, you can look forward to abundance.
Everyday you should say: I'm expecting something good to happen today
All hell hates it when you talk that way!
Faith delivers you from worry...God doesn't want us to be disturbed
constantly about anything!
You are better to believe God even if you never get it then to have a
bad attitude.
Your struggling will never end unless you give it to God
Faith is the leaning on the entire human personality and confidence
in God
Words Are Powerful When You Have Faith
Principles of Faith
Keep Praying, Saying, and Doing-& you WILL have a breakthrough!
Confessing the Word of God outloud is powerful
Don't keep talking to everyone about your problems
Don't think that when your believing God for something, it
won't just fall out of the sky or show up in the mailbox.
Walking w/ God means sometimes you have to take a step of faith
or wait on Him for wisdom.
It doesn't move or impress God when you are not believing or
People who did things by faith: Able-Noah-Abraham-Joseph
Everything around looks possible, know still that God put the
dream that's inside you, the dream that won't die there for a
reason, because He will give it to you!
Abraham and Sarah-Sarah was past the child bearing age, Abraham
was as good as dead...when they conceived and gave birth to a
child. It was conceived by faith and promise.
If you don't give up, your going to give birth to something too!
Some of you are pregnant with a dream and a vision from God, you're
pregnant with Hope.
You've got some stuff rolling around on the inside of you, it looks like
nothing is moving and nothing is happening.
All your friends and family are against you, but let me tell you
something GOD IS for you!
And he's just looking for someone who won't give up and who
dare to believe in Him!
People want what you've got but they don't want to be where
you were.
Moses left Pharoh's house-a place of comfort-by faith. He chose
a life with less in the natural but more in the spirit!
Just like a missionary may be somewhere it's dark, gloomy, and
not much light ....If you are somehwere where you feel like
your being unappreciative, but your there because you believe God wants
you there..maybe other people don't know your there, but
God knows your there.
He sees your faith and He hears your words and He sees every
act of obedience.
Paul-Galations 1, 2, 3: Simple, child-like faith
We can understand things with our heart, that we can't with our
Hebrews 11:3-By faith we can understand all kinds of stuff that
our head can't understand. Then we don't have to worry, we may
not know what God's doing, but we know it will end well.
God's got a timetable and He doesn't discuss it with me, all I know
whatever the results are is up to Him!
You are more than conquerors through Christ who loves you.
People need to stop saying, well, God I'm going to give this
one more week.
I'm in however long it takes, and even if it doesn't happen
I'm still all in! Healed, justified by faith.
When you have nothing, you can look forward to abundance.
Everyday you should say: I'm expecting something good to happen today
All hell hates it when you talk that way!
Faith delivers you from worry...God doesn't want us to be disturbed
constantly about anything!
You are better to believe God even if you never get it then to have a
bad attitude.
Your struggling will never end unless you give it to God
Faith is the leaning on the entire human personality and confidence
in God
Joyce Meyer Emotional Stability Pt 2
Emotional Stability Pt-2
Throwing fits won't change ppl
Nobody can develop your joy, patience, discipline, or self control, but you~
Get over thinking you don't have it EX: "I just don't have any self control"
Talk to that plate of food "If I want you I'll eat you, if I don't, I won't"
I have the power of God of the universe inside me.
How can you expect to defeat the devil if you can't even defeat a chocolate chip cookie?
See yourself in a different light. You can control yourself if you want to!
nothing changes until we take responsibility for our actions
and we start doing in private for god what we do occassionally to impress people
Until we live for God, and His glory, not for the admiration of people, then we're never going to
consistently do what's right.
Because, then we're living for people pleasers and not God pleasers.
The only way to kill the flesh is to starve it! Col. 3:5
The beginning of self control is you don't have to say everything or do everything that you feel.
When you stop giving voice to it, the pain stays in you.
Don't want my day ruined because someone goes and does what they do.
If you want your freedom, stop letting someone steal your joy! No longer vent those feelings.
The absence of pain is death. Once you don't let it bother you anymore, it's dead.
Do what's right, when it still feels wrong. It's going to hurt so bad at first when you are learning to keep your mouth shut!
Become stable so that you can be a witness in an unstable world
Put behavior on, just like you put on your clothes. Don't wish that you are or feel it, put it on!
Put on patience, kindness, confidence, be loving.
As long as we keep choosing our emotions, we will never have stabiltiy since they are up and down and all around.
Throwing fits won't change ppl
Nobody can develop your joy, patience, discipline, or self control, but you~
Get over thinking you don't have it EX: "I just don't have any self control"
Talk to that plate of food "If I want you I'll eat you, if I don't, I won't"
I have the power of God of the universe inside me.
How can you expect to defeat the devil if you can't even defeat a chocolate chip cookie?
See yourself in a different light. You can control yourself if you want to!
nothing changes until we take responsibility for our actions
and we start doing in private for god what we do occassionally to impress people
Until we live for God, and His glory, not for the admiration of people, then we're never going to
consistently do what's right.
Because, then we're living for people pleasers and not God pleasers.
The only way to kill the flesh is to starve it! Col. 3:5
The beginning of self control is you don't have to say everything or do everything that you feel.
When you stop giving voice to it, the pain stays in you.
Don't want my day ruined because someone goes and does what they do.
If you want your freedom, stop letting someone steal your joy! No longer vent those feelings.
The absence of pain is death. Once you don't let it bother you anymore, it's dead.
Do what's right, when it still feels wrong. It's going to hurt so bad at first when you are learning to keep your mouth shut!
Become stable so that you can be a witness in an unstable world
Put behavior on, just like you put on your clothes. Don't wish that you are or feel it, put it on!
Put on patience, kindness, confidence, be loving.
As long as we keep choosing our emotions, we will never have stabiltiy since they are up and down and all around.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Photos From The Phone

Well, a beautiful redheaded lady named Ramee made me think of some good photos today.
I could get any of them to send from my phone tonight so I thought I'd post this one. . .
It's of my quiet time with the Lord .....
You see I'm currenlty delighting myself and losing weight which is a journey all on it's own.
As I was laying in my bubble bath (room filled with candles) light dancing on the walls and the ceiling God spoke.
He told me through a pastor that I was watching " Don't abort the dream God has placed in your heart " which is ever-so-appropriate considering my dream is a child. Great pun Lord!
He also said, now look, if you would have given up when they denied you and Charlie for the first loan, you wouldn't be excitedly looking for a house today ...8 months later when now you've been approved, so why give up on having a baby? If you give up then you won't have one, just like if you would have given up on loan approvals you wouldn't have one! Gotcha Lord! Loud and clear! Now, just waiting on your Christabelle or Samson blessing, whichever one comes first...Christabelle Annaliese Renee Day or Samson Elliott Day ...we will love them both and they will be given back to you!
Up & Down.
Well, the past couple of days I've been floating steady at 305. I only was able to walk 15 minutes today so far.
It feels good to be able to relax a day for once with my husband. Even then, we still fill it with so much.
Well, praying for the WSOY Food Drive!
The food pantry in Maroa always us when we were in need!
It feels good to be able to relax a day for once with my husband. Even then, we still fill it with so much.
Well, praying for the WSOY Food Drive!
The food pantry in Maroa always us when we were in need!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Cry Me A River.
what is wrong with me today? I haven't written in so long, and so many things have happened.
I wish I was strong like so many people's blogs I read about. I wish I was more of a positive happy go lucky person. I'm not. I'm aggressive. I'm watchful, I stand up for what is right, and I'm fiesty about it.
We had court today. It was Charlie vs his neice. And, guess what? His whole family from Clinton showed up and came with her. I mean, come on...it's not everyone's business nor concern!
But, guess what? Even though Charlie and I felt very small being the only one on our "side" of the court room..I knew there was something and someone bigger that was there and invisible and more powerful than any of them though they'd try to intimidate us to feel and that was my Jesus.
My sweet, sweet, savior.
There's been a lot that's went on lately. We've had problems with our neighbors, we've had problems with trying to find a house that we like, and it's been weeks and I think we've driven our realtor nuts and it feels like we've looked at a thousand I just don't want to get stuck in a bad place to live.
Maple, our beloved baby dog suddenly became paralized for no reason what-so-ever...and now she can't use her back legs. She still has deep sensation feeling in them though and her dad and I pray over them every night expectiing for a miracle!
I'm tearing up again thinking about this, but almost a year after I wrote the blog about our perfect house that was sold out from under us.. . I'd like to announce that we were approved for a loan!
God told me when I kissed my husband at midnight ringing in 2010 that this year would be like none other...and He (like always) was 100% right! We got our dogs back after 2 years, we got approved for a house and now we just need to find one!
Now, Charlie said that he is betting that once we move in , we'll have "move-in love" (ha ha) and then a week later, we'll find out we're pregnant! ! !
I'm so ready...I still am planning, planting, and preparing my field for rain!
God, thank you for making me rain today emotionally..maybe I needed it. I'm going to listen to some healing music and see if anything else comes to my head to write about. I used to write stories, and have always kept a diary ...and poetry when I was young..now I write, and it's like it doesn't make sense to no one else but me. But, I guess that's what this is for..it's for me!
Love. . .
what is wrong with me today? I haven't written in so long, and so many things have happened.
I wish I was strong like so many people's blogs I read about. I wish I was more of a positive happy go lucky person. I'm not. I'm aggressive. I'm watchful, I stand up for what is right, and I'm fiesty about it.
We had court today. It was Charlie vs his neice. And, guess what? His whole family from Clinton showed up and came with her. I mean, come on...it's not everyone's business nor concern!
But, guess what? Even though Charlie and I felt very small being the only one on our "side" of the court room..I knew there was something and someone bigger that was there and invisible and more powerful than any of them though they'd try to intimidate us to feel and that was my Jesus.
My sweet, sweet, savior.
There's been a lot that's went on lately. We've had problems with our neighbors, we've had problems with trying to find a house that we like, and it's been weeks and I think we've driven our realtor nuts and it feels like we've looked at a thousand I just don't want to get stuck in a bad place to live.
Maple, our beloved baby dog suddenly became paralized for no reason what-so-ever...and now she can't use her back legs. She still has deep sensation feeling in them though and her dad and I pray over them every night expectiing for a miracle!
I'm tearing up again thinking about this, but almost a year after I wrote the blog about our perfect house that was sold out from under us.. . I'd like to announce that we were approved for a loan!
God told me when I kissed my husband at midnight ringing in 2010 that this year would be like none other...and He (like always) was 100% right! We got our dogs back after 2 years, we got approved for a house and now we just need to find one!
Now, Charlie said that he is betting that once we move in , we'll have "move-in love" (ha ha) and then a week later, we'll find out we're pregnant! ! !
I'm so ready...I still am planning, planting, and preparing my field for rain!
God, thank you for making me rain today emotionally..maybe I needed it. I'm going to listen to some healing music and see if anything else comes to my head to write about. I used to write stories, and have always kept a diary ...and poetry when I was young..now I write, and it's like it doesn't make sense to no one else but me. But, I guess that's what this is for..it's for me!
Love. . .
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