Friday, January 22, 2010

Waiting...I'm Waiting on You Lord..

and I am peaceful...hopeful, it's painful, but PATIENTLY I will wait...I WILL move ahead BOLD and CONFIDENT...taking EVERY step in OBEDIENCE...while I'm waiting...I will serve you, while I'm waiting, I will not faint, I'll be running the race, even while I wait...
I love this song, John sings it so beautifully was beautiful when played in the must see movie Fireproof...
It describes my situation perfectly in everyway right now...everytime with this house that we've had to call someone regarding a loan, we've had to wait, wait for the loan office from Lincoln to call us back >>relator says>>"that's not like him, he must be sick or on vacation...">>waiting on ASAP Mortgage to call us back ...>>relator says>>"that's not like them either" we've made the call to the people that are going to help us and their saying they will be slow as mud getting everything done and that we need to schedule a mandatory home owners educational class..have called and left them messages, with no return call, even to their supervisor and back to the gentlemen that's helping us...
This simply means in my opinion that God is working behind the scenes to bring us the BEST situation for us...because if we would of went with the first loan man, we would have had more debt and lots of interest, if we would have went with the mortgage company , choice 2, the realtor even said that it's higher fees, well God doesn't want his children to have to struggle, especially ones that are faithful with their tithing (not perfect, but faithful) with it. He wants to bless us and wants us to prosper!
WAIT WAIT WAIT...I'm glad though, because when our blessings finally happen after all of this time, it will be a tidal WAVE of blessings, and emotions and so much that it will OVERWHELM us and we'll be able to show people GOD'S GLORY..and GOD'S FAVOR..and show how GOOD He is to those who trust and WAIT on Him!
What are you waiting for, and how will you wait, with Thanksgiving and a heart of worship and praise, or with sadness, impatience, and suffering?

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