Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Doctor Diaries

Well, last Thrs I begged for my doctor to get me into see him, becase with me working 2nd shift, it's very hard to get into be seen, and I could handle the pain anymore.
They took me in and did an x-ray and my hips were fine, there was a bit of a crved spine, and that is it.
They then did an ultrasound on my kidneys. This worried me. My aunt was on dialysis for many many years. This is not why she died, however, I was still concerned.
The tests came back today, after fighting with the doctors and nurses...and they said that they thought they saw a cyst, and that it was small, and the radiologists couldn't really tell what it was for sure, so tomorrow a.m. they want to do a ct scan. I'm scared to death, but at the same time, on the inside I'm at complete peace, and have had no more pain since I've been to the doctor. Something is telling me that the moment I went to that doctors office, God healed me.
They won't find anything this time, it will already be gone, keeps going through my head.
I don't know much about cysts, so I'm not sure how concerned I should be. They can explode on their own and go away with medicine also. Some require surgery. etc, etc.
This girl won't need a thing. Except, I know I'll worry myself for the next week while I wait on the results.
I feel so guilty for worrying, because everyone around me says, give it to God, give it to God, which I know I should, and I keep telling myself I have....but it's difficult to not worry at times, and I'm not sure why. Something that I struggle with I guess, just like we all struggle with something.
I was winding down for my nightly time with God after work, I watch the 700 Club. Every night, they go to God in prayer, and let God speak to them about who they should pray for.
Tonight, they said that someone out there has a cyst, and it will be gone, and they are wanting a child, and a baby will be in their womb! Hit the head on the nail, not once, not twice, but three times, when Pat Robertson joined in and said and someone has been dwelling on/scared/consumed by the fear of death!
God sent me a "wink" tonight, and let me know that He was with me and He's not finished with me yet!
Please, say a prayer for me, and keep me in your mind and hearts, and thoughts, and prayer chains....because above anything else, I'm scared a little and very clostrophobic!

ha ha



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