Monday, April 12, 2010

Weight Issue, A Little Weighing...

Okay, so how come when your happy, unbe-Weav-ingly ...with your body, (still not your face), but your body, then that's when the doctor says, lose 20 lbs or you'll never get preggo. um, Seriously?! That's false. I was skinny, I've been skinny, skinny for ME anyway, and I never got preggo then. I've seen so many ppl 500, 300, 200, 100 pounds have children. So i'm thinking that doesn't have much to do with anything.
Plus, she then tells me that we only have a 20% chance, because everyone only has a 20% chance!
Well, guess what lady? With GOD, I have an infinite chance! With God ALL things are possible, so when I've been told to give up, unless I do this, or unless I do that, I believe that God has the final say...and God will help me, granted I'll still help myself, but with fibro on top of this, it's not getting easy.
With lackage of money, it's not any easier.
plain, and simple.

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