Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Resume for Ashley R Day

We are Christ’s “letters of recommendation” to all who read our lives.
I read this quote tonight, and it startled me.
My resume is nothing, compared to my spiritual resume. How I send and email, handle a customer complaint, etc. How I "save the customer", how I "appease" the customer, is NOTHING compared to how I appease my God, and through God testimony and witnessing--hope to "save" my friends.
I hope that my resume looks a little something like this when I get to the judgement seat...
Ashley R Day
1234 Heaven Way
Jesus Christ, Is Lord
*Objective-To tell all I know about the Lord my God, and to show through my actions, and my imperfections how even those who are sinners can through being saved by Jesus come to know him and live in eternal heaven.
Experience-Being in a worship team, being in the church choirs and plays all of my life.
Serving in other areas of the church.
Character References: Others that I have led to Christ.
The End.
I wish a lot more than this, but I hope to improve this resume as I continue my journey.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Baked Potatos and....???

Alright, so embarrassingly enough I have no idea how to make baked potatos in the oven. So, when Charlie got to work today, he asked his boss if he knew how. So, thanks to Ed, I am trying them in the oven, I've only ever had them (made by myself in the microwave)...Here are his steps for baked potatos...

1. Rinse, clean, and de-eye potatos.

2. Poke lots a holes in potatos.

3. Put them in the microwave on high for 2 min.

4. Take butter and rub on pieces of aluminum foil big enough to rap potato...wrap potato.

5. Stick in a 450 degree oven (which means i'm sitting here melting) for 30 min. or until soft.

6. Take out, and top and enjoy!

So, here's what I'm planning on having with the potatos, sour cream and bacon. We were going to have broccolli and nacho cheese melted to top them with too..but decided to keep in simple.

Now....trying to decide what to have with it... a salad perhaps? A fresh tall, icy glass of iced tea with lemon to go with mine, that's for sure..and some sweet n low. My fave!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sowing, Reaping, & Friendship...

Today our church had its annual Friendship Day or "bring a friend" day. We also had the annual Sowing and Reaping Tent. It's where you bring unused items of exceptional quality and someone else can bid on them up to 4 tickets. This year, they even had a car! If Charlie was there, we would have won it....but, I also put in for a new lazyboy loveseat and won!! I was sooo excited..I never win anything! We then lost the couch cushion on the way home...right near Blue Mound.
I got a new moon picture for our bedroom with a mirror on it (that's the theme in there)...I got a Maxine statue..I love Maxine...our attitudes are about the same even though I'd like to change that a little.
I got Charlie a beautiful patriotic candle holder...cause he loves the red, white, and blue...got my mom a lot of cute patriotic pics...and my baby brother a book.
Speaking of baby brother, he sure did love his "pizzie man". Papa Murphys was there with their mascot and pizza.
They had pony rides, jumping blow up things for the kids, bands, music, food, food and more food and even a Pepsi stand.
If you're ever interested in attending our church let me know. It's not hard to find, it has a large Wild West Theme out back and a Grand Palace where my step dad is a chef...and right across the street from Richland Community College which is right off of Rt 72. so it's easy to get there from many local cities.
Well, I'm pooped. After all of that, I went to my mom's after a trip to Wally World, and worked on my wedding scrapbook/three years later!!!
It's looking pretty good but I realized I have no markers, also, the person who stole our camera stole the memory card w/ my digital scrap book wedding pics, but that's ok, their still on the computer...praise the Lord! So, I'll have to go and print them off soon.
Can't wait to have a printer where I don't have to run to Wal-Mart just to print them.
My girl @ church Marijah, was asking me when I'd be back there...I told here believe me, we're dying to move back, but have to wait until either Charlie or I have work up that way...we miss the Decatur area so much and have already found an apartment up there that we would love that would let us have our furbabies!!!

My u is sticking on my computer by the way, so if I leave out a u or a lot of u's, then you know why!

ps more tomorrow about Pastor Joe's sermon on friendship!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


That's What Faith Can Do....
Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.[1][2] The word "faith" can refer to a religion itself or to religion in general.
As with "trust", faith involves a concept of future events or outcomes, and is used conversely for a belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence."[3][4] Informal usage of the word "faith" can be quite broad, and may be used in place of "trust" or "belief."
Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true.[5] It is the belief and the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, based on his or her authority and truthfulness.[6] The English word faith is dated from 1200–50, from the Latin fidem, or fidēs, meaning trust, akin to fīdere, which means to trust.[1]
I'm focusing on Faith right now in my journey with Christ. As I mature as a believer I feel that I fail in this "section" persay, of my relationship with God. If I believe in God, then, why despite my circumstances shouldn't I be able to belive that He can do ANYTHING. And, I do mean ANYTHING.
How do others do it? How do you all do it that are believers? I've believed him before. I believed him when my 1st husband left that He would bring him back and show him the error of his ways. So, instead Lord, you brought me someone better. Someone and I quote from Cleveland: "Someone that looks just like Ryan, only he won't be anything like him." Boy, was he right! For some reason though, even with my husband, my angel God sent from above, faith is faltered.
The reason--because of how badly Ryan, and other men have hurt me. Emotional injury is not something I can just make majically go away ... I believe that healing can take time..and if you don't like that...if you don't like the fact that you may have to prove that your not like all of the others..including my dad that walked out on me...then you can leave. I've told Charlie that from the beginning. He said that he understands, he's been hurt before, and he would spend the rest of his and my life making me believe he's trustworthy. I already feel in my heart that he is, and in all of my being...and then, there's the mind. It plays tricks on me. I need to pick up Battlefield of the Mind again by Joyce Meyer. It's a great read...and may be able to bring me the healing that I need in this area.
Everyday, my mind is a battlefield...that I do not enjoy...
In my heart of hearts, my mind always wins. That's what causes me to act almost bi-polar. I know what I believe, and I know I want to believe it...and I am inside a positive, person. But, in my mind...I'm a pessimistic, in my speech, I'm negative....and I cry out not to be. It breaks my heart, that I break others. Please dear Lord, be the change in me that I want to be in this world. In my world. At work, at home, even at your house of worship. Bring me the confidence to know that I don't need anyone else in this world but YOU.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Doctor Diaries

Well, last Thrs I begged for my doctor to get me into see him, becase with me working 2nd shift, it's very hard to get into be seen, and I could handle the pain anymore.
They took me in and did an x-ray and my hips were fine, there was a bit of a crved spine, and that is it.
They then did an ultrasound on my kidneys. This worried me. My aunt was on dialysis for many many years. This is not why she died, however, I was still concerned.
The tests came back today, after fighting with the doctors and nurses...and they said that they thought they saw a cyst, and that it was small, and the radiologists couldn't really tell what it was for sure, so tomorrow a.m. they want to do a ct scan. I'm scared to death, but at the same time, on the inside I'm at complete peace, and have had no more pain since I've been to the doctor. Something is telling me that the moment I went to that doctors office, God healed me.
They won't find anything this time, it will already be gone, keeps going through my head.
I don't know much about cysts, so I'm not sure how concerned I should be. They can explode on their own and go away with medicine also. Some require surgery. etc, etc.
This girl won't need a thing. Except, I know I'll worry myself for the next week while I wait on the results.
I feel so guilty for worrying, because everyone around me says, give it to God, give it to God, which I know I should, and I keep telling myself I have....but it's difficult to not worry at times, and I'm not sure why. Something that I struggle with I guess, just like we all struggle with something.
I was winding down for my nightly time with God after work, I watch the 700 Club. Every night, they go to God in prayer, and let God speak to them about who they should pray for.
Tonight, they said that someone out there has a cyst, and it will be gone, and they are wanting a child, and a baby will be in their womb! Hit the head on the nail, not once, not twice, but three times, when Pat Robertson joined in and said and someone has been dwelling on/scared/consumed by the fear of death!
God sent me a "wink" tonight, and let me know that He was with me and He's not finished with me yet!
Please, say a prayer for me, and keep me in your mind and hearts, and thoughts, and prayer chains....because above anything else, I'm scared a little and very clostrophobic!

ha ha



Monday, June 21, 2010

Thieves & Robbers...

Matthew 6:19

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
We must have the worst time w/ cameras or something.
Today I planned on sharing the best pictures of the summer. We actually were able to have the day off together and went w/ the family to Knights Action Park.
Well, someone decided to steal our camera, the case, and both memory cards. There were special, special, memories and video on there. This isn't the first time someone has done that either.
The first time was in Maroa. I don't understand why this keeps happening especially since how much I love taking photos!
How would I in the future protect my new camera? How would I ever do this? Do they have insurance for such things?
Not sure.
So upset.
Praying that God makes the people that stole my camera very EXTREMELY guilty and returns it to the park.
Pictures, memories, are something you'll never get back.
But, I'm not as upset as I thought I would be over it. I guess it was because I know that life is to short to get or stay very mad about anything. I am truly learning patience.
Tonight, however, I got a new camera!! And, even though it's not in my favorite color of pink w/ a hot pink case, it takes MUCH better pictures!!!
The Days♥

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I want to feel it
Surrounded by breath
Not feeling pain
Or aching
Or tired
Or slump
Or slumber

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The 7 Responses for Difficult People

So, at work I deal with a large anti-Christian atmosphere, which, I know why I'm here, but it still gets overwhelming and sometimes the mere thought of going to work makes me ill..but I still pray for every one of my co-workers and supervisors.

Here are some good tips for dealing with those around us who can be difficult, whether it be at church, home, work, public, wherever....

1. Realize you cannot please everybody (John 5:31)
Here Jesus deals with a group of difficult people by appealing to four witnesses of His authority: John the Baptist, His miracles, the Father, and the Scriptures.

2. Refuse to play their game (Matt 22:18)
The Pharisees tried to catch Jesus by pitting him against the government. He refused to play, “But perceiving their malice, Jesus said, “Why are you testing Me, hypocrites? Show Me the coin used for the tax.” So they brought Him a denarius. ‘Whose image and inscription is this?’ He asked them.” Matt 22:18-20 (HCSB)

3. Never retaliate (Matt 5:38-39)
“You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. Matt 5:38-39 (HCSB)

4. Pray for them (Matt 5:44-45)
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Matt 5:44-45 (HCSB)

5. Control your temper (2 Corinthians 5:16-19)
From now on, then, we do not know anyone in a purely human way ... He has committed the message of reconciliation to us. 2 Cor. 5:16-19 (HCSB)

6. Be quick to forgive and even quicker to ask for forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15)
“For if you forgive people their wrongdoing, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don’t forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing. Matt 6:14-15 (HCSB)

7. Remember that everything has God’s fingerprints on it (Job 9:3-5)
If one wanted to take Him to court, he could not answer God once in a thousand [times]. God is wise and all–powerful. Who has opposed Him and come out unharmed? He removes mountains without their knowledge, overturning them in His anger. Job 9:3-5 (HCSB)

You can read the whole article here.

FOR DISCUSSION: Do you have people who are making your ministry/life difficult? What type of difficult person (from above) are they? And how have you dealt with them? Is there any advice here that will help you deal with them better today?

Have a great weekend, and remember... in all reality, you're probably someone else's 'difficult person'!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Attack, Defeat, and Discouragement

Well, devil. Your a liar. I won't be in all of this pain forever. I won't be diagnosed w/ a man-made generic label. That's what Fibro is, something that the doctors made up, and put people into it like a category, because they don't know what else to do with them!

Lord, thank you for letting my x-rays come back clear (even though I don't have them back yet), I praise you ahead of time, you are alive, and are miracle working!

The pain may be unbearable, but YOU died for me Lord, and you make me full of life, and I won't let pain which tries to be death defeat me!

I WILL walk, and lose weight, and be able to happily look into the mirror again!

We will have our blessed Samson Elliott, because God put Him into our hearts, and has confirmed him to us many, many times!

Our Maple Rose, and Maggie Mae, we'll have them back, and we will be happy!

That job at church, I see myself in that position, so I know I'll have it eventually, and then, precious Lord, everything ...EVERYTHING will fall into place!

I speak death, and pain, and disorders, but deep down I want to believe that it's all a lie, I want to believe that your coming into our lives in a new, bold, uplifting way, very, very, soon! Revival will come to the Day household, and take it over like never before, and I will be broken down falling on the floor w/ overwhelming joy and tears! Knees down, collapsed to the floor!

Because, even if you don't have much faith, like I do now....I still have a mustard seed's worth, and THAT my friends is enough!!!

If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.
Luke 17:6

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To Trust You Is To Believe

Sometimes it seems impossible
To trust in you my Lord
But then again it’s all I have
When my back's against the wall

The pressures forever mounting up
And worsens with little hope
Though I pray and leave it with you
It’s so hard for me to cope

I know, O Lord, you teach us patience
Especially at those times
You want us to trust completely
Though answers are hard to find

And there are times it seems as though
You have stepped back from us
We feel so much alone in our mess
Not knowing you’re watching with love

You never really leave us Lord
Nor forsake us in our need
You only want us to trust you
And in your word believe

You know the circumstances we’re in
And know the struggles we face
The situation when given to you
Can empower our faltering faith

For in your word we’re told to give
To you all our anxieties
And all the worries and fears we have
Praying for the needed victory

For in due course you will come through
To bring the needed relief
And through it all we shall develop
A stronger and deeper belief

Faith Poem


Increase our faith so we may see
What you’re doing in our lives
And all that we’ll accomplish in you
So our faith begins to rise

We need to be reminded Lord
Of the small mustard seed
And how the same amount of faith
Moves mountains if we believe

As we walk in pure obedience
With confidence in you
Our faith begins to grow and flourish
Bearing more abundant fruit

We must go beyond the limits
Of our comfort zones
Our faith is activated
at those times
When we walk into the unknown

For it’s when the safety net is gone
We realize we need our Lord
When there’s nothing left to fall back on
We must lean on God much more

And faith is released in our hearts
As we bend our knee to pray
We shall be strengthened as we walk
And commit to Him each day

TRUST.. Contd'...

There are a lot of different scripture on trust, and the following are the ones that pertain to me ... and I hope that some will be useful for you!

For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence. Psalm 71: 5

--See I really need this one, because I have no confidence in myself. Not outwardly! I always walk with my head down and in shame! I shouldn't, I am a princess of the living God! He made me just the way he wanted me made! The world is the one who has defined the "ultimate portrait" of a woman. And, although I'm not "it" I'm still in love with some of my features! I am in love with my redhair, my bedroom grey eyes, my height, my lips...

Cause me to hear Your loving-kindness in the morning, for on You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You. Psalm 143: 8

--I need to start doing this...I need to start rising early, and giving Glory to God in the highest of a morning, that's why I have so many bad days at work and bad attitudes, I'm surrounded by non-believers, how does it help to go in down and defeated? How does that make me the lighthouse in the storm? It doesn't. Why would they want to be Christians, when I'm as much as a Debbie Downer as them, or not worse? It's very difficult where I work, but with God's help, it should be no excuse. And with His love!

And they who know Your name [who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy] will lean on and confidently put their trust in You, for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of and for) You [on the authority of God's Word and the right of their necessity]. Psalm 9: 10

--I have definitely experienced His mercy...he's fed me, and clothed me when I had nothing, when our childhood home burnt to the ground, when we lived in the trailer in Maroa, and our gas and electric together was more than our rent, the local Church gave us food beyond belief and so did the community, along w/ clothing, and furniture!
I'm so glad He does not forsake us who come to Him and who worship Him! Per HIS Word, and Per our needs and His authority He will not forget us--nor let us down!

So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages]. Isaiah 26: 4

--Commit myself ... I need to commit myself to Him, to life, to His word and stand on it, and not falter. I need a negativity wash... I need my heart, changed, my mind changed, and the negativity gone! Leaning on Him to cleanse me! Hoping confidently that I will lose the weight so that I can look in the mirror confidently again, so that I can walk with my head held high again...so that I will have the child that my loins cry out for!

O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34: 8

--Lord YOU are good and your mercy endureth forever! What is it to get a "taste" of God? To experience his Holy Spirit and His Holy Presence, to taste the sweet sound of worshipers arising in song, and praise! And, oh so much more! To see that the Lord is good is to look at everyday things around us, our homes, our cars, our jobs, the flowers, our vegetables, our shoes, our mothers, families, friends, laughter, tears, the human body, and oh so much more! I should be happy, and feel fortunate, that I'm envied since I take trust and refuge in Him in times of trouble!

**But my eyes are toward You, O God the Lord; in You do I trust and take refuge; pour not out my life nor leave it destitute and bare. Psalm 141: 8**
--Everytime I think I've read all the verses in the Bible, I find one that I've never heard, and it applies to my everyday life! That's what I love about the Bible, it's always new and the interpretations, can always ring new, depending on the situation your in it can speak to your heart through the Holy Spirit in so many ways! I need to purposely set my eyes towards the heavens because my help comes from the Lord, and I need all the help that I can get with my endeavors...please dear Lord, heal me of my constant pain, and please don't leave me destitute and alone any longer w/o my furry kids or my skin babies. Either one having them would make me ecstatic! I feel it in everything inside me that we won't be here long! Prosperity is around the bend! Growth is right in our midst!
Thank you God! Praise your holy name!
Okay, so see, right when I say that I need to work on something, the perfect scripture comes along that suites the situation!
Here it is, about what I was saying earlier about being the light in the darkness @ work...
--- Who is among you who [reverently] fears the Lord, who obeys the voice of His Servant, yet who walks in darkness and deep trouble and has no shining splendor [in his heart]? Let him rely on, trust in, and be confident in the name of the Lord, and let him lean upon and be supported by his God. Isaiah 50: 10

Shining (to glow, polish, beam, excel, glisten, glitter, radiate) Splendor (great light or luster, brilliance)! That is what I wish to have oh Lord, that sounds so beautiful! I shall lean on you like the rooted and grounded tree in the yard at my mom's house, like I did when I was a child, strong, sufficient, cool, shady and tall. Supporting me like when I swung from it's branches on the tireswing in our backyard. When I went to it and read books, and called it my fantasy time when it was just me, and the yard, the grass and my trees.

A good one for fertility:

Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. Psalm 37: 5

HE WILL bring it to pass, it doesn't say maybe, it says if you rely on Him, and be confident, that IT WILL HAPPEN!
Another good one to remember about doctors, and people in general when they want to give you advice!
It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
Psalm 118: 8

Psalms 90:17

And may the Lord our
God show us his approval
and make our
efforts successful.
Yes, make our
efforts successful!
Psalms 90:17

Please God, let our efforts be successful for my walking and our fertility.

We will meditate on this verse! Praise God!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I've been given a good blow to my patience factor. Lesson Learned Lord. Patience. Check.
That's why I feel much better about my time to have a child. Because, I've let go.
But, now, I wish that this TRUST issue was fixed. Please be swift with this lesson, let me learn to trust in you, even when I feel there's not much else in the world I can trust in, or lean on, there's YOU. YOUR love. ETERNAL, FOREVER. YOU. Lord, you lift me up each day when I can barely move, you let me still be a shining star at my job and at what I do, despite the people I work with and their unbelief.
You bring us finances that are just enough. We tithe which shows one step of trust in you. We've let go, which shows another trust in you. Teach me oh Lord, what else to do when it comes to fully trusting, and letting go. I know I should still show concern, but not worry, @ least not as much worry.
I worry about me being fat, I worry about my health, I worry about what others think, and I'm not sure why I've been worrying so much more lately.
The enemy keeps whispering bad health problems in my ear, well, I'm done listening!
He keeps making me think bad and negative things in my head about what others are doing/thinking/saying. I'm done listening!
I'm just done, I'm letting go, the next lesson in my life, is trust! I trust in you oh Lord!