Monday, December 14, 2009

Anchored in Love A great text!

Anchored in Love
Posted by Victoria Osteen on December 10th, 2009
I am amazed when I stop to think that Joel and I have been married for more than twenty-one years! I believe that the strength of our relationship comes from the unconditional love and acceptance we have for each other. Love is the anchor that keeps us strong during the storms of life. We don't just love each other because things are good or just when we agree on everything. We are committed to loving each other no matter what. We both make a conscious effort to invest in each other and communicate that love to one another every single day.

Everyone has a memory box inside their heart. We can either record all the hurts and difficulties in our relationships, or we can record the good. When the tough times come, whatever is recorded in our hearts will manifest in our lives. Joel and I always remind ourselves that God brought us together, and we go back to our memory boxes and review that love over and over again. That is how we keep our relationship anchored—and you can, too by focusing on all the great times you've shared with your spouse and the future that's in front of you.

We all have to remember to go back to the foundation of love in our relationships, especially in our relationship with God. The thing that keeps me most stable is knowing that because God loves me, I am empowered to do better. I am strongest when I build my days on the foundation of His love for me. I encourage you to do the same. Every morning, think about His unconditional love. Allow His acceptance to wash over you and empower you. I believe as you receive His love, you'll be firmly anchored against all the storms of life.

…I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ (Ephesians 3:17-18, NIV).

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